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Your guide to everything about Insurance & Simplinsur.

Mortgage Loan Insurance

Your guide to everything you need to know. Simply click on the question to get the info.

If I miss a premium payment is my policy automatically void?

A grace period of 60 days is granted for the payment of any premium falling due, during which period the Insurance will remain in force. If any premium is not paid within the grace period, the Insurance will terminate.

Who has access to my personal information provided in my application?

We limit access to personal information in your file to Canada Life staff or persons authorized by Canada Life who require it to perform their duties and to persons to whom you have granted access.

Can the validity of my insurance policy be contested?

The validity of this Insurance coverage will not be contested, except for non-payment of premiums or fraud, after it has been in force for two (2) years from its date of issue.

Can I reduce my coverage if I make lump sum payments yearly on my mortgage loan?

Yes, once per year you can contact Canada life and receive a reduction in coverage if you make a minimum 5% lump sum reduction to your mortgage.

Can I choose when my premiums are withdrawn from my account?

Yes, you can have your premiums withdrawn as soon as your application is approved and taken out weekly, biweekly, semi monthly even monthly. This option is included on your application. You can change your payment frequency at any time.

Pipe and cigar smokers, are they considered smokers?

Yes, pipe and cigar smokers are considered smokers because they are using tobacco products. The same applies to vaping products.

If I apply for the insurance as a smoker and then stop smoking, will my premiums be reduced?

You can have your premiums reviewed if you have been smoke free for 12 consecutive months. You do not need to reapply, just contact us to have your situation assessed for a reduction.

Will my insurance coverage be terminated if I change lenders?

No it will not.  One of the main advantages of working with Simplinsur and our brokers is that your coverage is portable, which means it remains in place should you change lenders.

With the portability feature: if I sell my house and build a new one which doesn’t close immediately, can the coverage still be ported on to the next mortgage?

Yes, portability of existing coverage must be within 90 days between homes in the case of selling one home and moving into another.

Does the “Portability” feature of the program apply to mortgage refinances as well as to transfers?

Yes, the intention of the portability feature is to maintain existing coverage if you move your mortgage from one property to another or from one lender to another. The original coverage stays in effect if the mortgage is refinanced or transferred/switched to a new mortgage either with the same lender or a new lender. You can apply for coverage on the new money advanced. Example:
- $200,000 mortgage
- TD is the lender and Simplinsur is in effect
- Refinanced 5 years later with TD
- New mortgage: $240,000
- Additional coverage required: $40,000
Contact your Mortgage Broker for more details.

If I answer yes to one of the questions on the application form it goes to medical underwriting for approval. When does coverage become effective and when do premium payments commence?

Coverage becomes effective on the date the application is approved by Canada Life. Premiums commence as you select - weekly, biweekly, semi-monthly. Some customers choose to have their premiums start as soon as their application is approved.

Can I apply for coverage if I initially waived this coverage?

Yes, you can do so at any time by contacting your Mortgage Broker.

Is partial coverage available?

Yes, partial coverage can be made available through your Mortgage Broker.

What qualifies as a disability to receive a claim?

Any injury or illness incurred by the insured person who is under the care of a physician, which prevents the insured from performing every duty of his/her or occupation or employment.

Can two parties each have 100% disability coverage?

Yes, both applicants do qualify for 100% coverage but in the event of a joint claim, Canada Life will only pay the total insured monthly payment.

Can Canadians living in the US obtain mortgage insurance coverage?

Yes, if you are a Canadian resident and living in the USA for a portion of the year(e.g. snowbirds living in the USA for 6 months and in Canada for 6 months), you are eligible for coverage on your Canadian property.

Can the product be used to cover commercial mortgages?

No, this is strictly a residential mortgage program.

How competitive are our premium rates?

A thorough review of lender programs and insurance providers in the mortgage space was conducted. Comparing eight competitors providing insurance products in our market, our premiums are on average 10% less than market.

Is there a fee if I cancel my coverage?

No there is not.  You may cancel this Insurance at any time with no additional fees. If you cancel within thirty (30) days of the effective date of Insurance you will receive a full refund of any premiums paid and the Insurance coverage will never have been in force.


Your guide to everything you need to know. Simply click on the question to get the info.

What is Simplinsur?

Simplinsur is Canada’s bold new brokerage for all your insurance needs. We believe in simple ,straightforward, uncomplicated protection designed specifically to take the worry out of insurance. We are the one-stop shop for competitive rates & coverages you have been waiting for.

Who owns Simplinsur?

Simplinsur, is fully owned and operated by Canada's undisputed #1 in mortgage origination the M3 Group. The broker-led, technology driven, consumer obsessed organization remains Canada’s undisputed #1 non-bank mortgage originator, and the largest, most respected consumer ally when it comes to their 3 primary businesses —mortgage, ancillary products, and technology.

How do I get Simplinsur?

You can contact us by phone :  
Auto & Home Insurance : 1-877-213-7647 (QC)  
Auto & Home Insurance : 1-800-689-6119 (All provinces except QC)
Life & Disability Insurance : 1-888-672-0888 (QC) 1-647-204-0439 (Rest of Canada)
Creditor Insurance :  1-647-204-0439 or 1-437-213-1431 (All provinces except QC and BC)        

Or by email :    
General questions : (QC)  
General questions : (BC)  
General questions : (All provinces except QC and BC)  
Broker Support : (QC)  
Broker Support : (All provinces except QC and BC)  

Is Simplinsur an insurance carrier?

No, we are not. We work closely with some of the biggest, most highly respected insurance carriers in the industry to ensure our customers enjoy the most competitive rates & coverages.

How can I reach you?

You can contact your mortgage broker or for home and automobile insurance you can also contact our call center at 1-800-672-0877

Is my information kept confidential?

We highly value and respect your privacy. We will not share or sell your information for marketing purposes without your proper consent. Note, we may share certain personal information with our partners and providers to run our service and to resolve an incident.

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